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Exam Code: 000-623
Exam Name: IBM (System z Cloud and Linux Solution Selling)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 51 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-12-20
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NO.1 A large software development company that works with customer critical data is losing profits
because of inconsistent versions of its products that several clients use. This situation is causing
customers to migrate to a different solution.
How can a Cloud environment help reduce costs without compromising the security of the data?
A. The patch management capabilities in a System z Cloud maintains the application and
middleware versions.
B. Adopting a private Cloud solution will give the software company a faster go-to-market and
obtain new customers to replace lost revenue.
C. A public Cloud with one application and database server per customer provides the necessary
controls of the application and middleware version with lower cost.
D. A public Cloud with a unique database server and a unique application server for all customers
guarantees that all systems would be at the same release and also provides security.
Answer: A
IBM 000-623 000-623 exam simulations
NO.2 What is the recommended first step when implementing System z Cloud?
A. Cooling water
B. Seismic evaluation
C. Energy assessment
D. Direct current availability
Answer: C
IBM 000-623 000-623 000-623 000-623 test
NO.3 Which feature of System z processor virtualization reduces the latency of cross partition
A. HiperSockets
B. HyperTransport
C. QuickPath Interconnect (QPI)
D. Jupiter Interconnect System Bus Architecture
Answer: A
IBM 000-623 questions 000-623 000-623 test answers 000-623 study guide
NO.4 How can a customer improve consistency in its application server environment?
A. Using SmartCloud Workbench
B. Using SmartCloud Audit Control
C. Updating existing servers using Tivoli Provisioning Manager
D. Keeping servers the same using Tivoli Provisioning Manager
Answer: D
IBM study guide 000-623 certification training 000-623 exam simulations
NO.5 Which solution offering is only available for the System z platform?
A. CloudBurst
B. SmartCloud
C. CloudSpace
D. CloudReady
Answer: D
IBM exam prep 000-623 000-623 certification training 000-623
NO.6 Why would System z Cloud be an advantage for a customer with limited human IT resources?
A. It requires less administration.
B. It costs less per virtual machine.
C. It uses less space in the data center.
D. It consumes less power in the data center
Answer: A
IBM certification 000-623 questions 000-623 exam prep 000-623
NO.7 Which System z Cloud feature provides scalability to meet Service Level Agreements without
over-provisioning to meet peak capacity, like Teradata and ExaData?
A. HiperSockets
B. HiperDispatch
C. Level 4 Cache
D. On/Off Capacity on Demand
Answer: D
IBM 000-623 exam dumps 000-623 demo 000-623 study guide
NO.8 A customer wants to build an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) model to host external Cloud
services. Which product is needed to move toward this objective?
C. SmartCloud Control Desk
D. SmartCloud Cost Management
Answer: A
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