
Microsoft certification MB7-514 exam best training materials

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At present, Microsoft certification exam is the most popular test. Have you obtained Microsoft exam certificate? For example, have you taken Microsoft MB7-514 certification exam?If not, you should take action as soon as possible. The certificate is very important, so you must get MB7-514 certificate. Here I would like to tell you how to effectively prepare for Microsoft MB7-514 exam and pass the test first time to get the certificate.

Exam Code: MB7-514
Exam Name: Microsoft (NAV 5.0 C/SIDE Introduction)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 104 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-01-01

MB7-514 Free Demo Download: http://www.itcertking.com/MB7-514_exam.html

NO.1 Into which table are the Journal Entries made for the Sales & Receivables Functional Area?
A.Cust. Journal Line
B.Cash Rec. Journal Line
C.Gen. Journal Line
D.Receivables Journal Line

Microsoft certification training   MB7-514   MB7-514   MB7-514

NO.2 In a standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV Functional Area, describe the table relationship(s)
between a Master table and the corresponding Ledger table.
A.A field in the Master Table is table-related to the Ledger Table.
B.A field in the Ledger Table is table-related to the Master Table.
C.The Master Table and the Ledger Table each have a field that is table-related to the other.
D.The Ledger Table and the Master Table do not have any fields that are table-related to the other at all.

Microsoft certification training   MB7-514   MB7-514   MB7-514

NO.3 When is it possible to change the name of a field in a table?
A.You must first delete the data from the field in all records in the table before changing the field name.
B.You must first remove all references to the field in other tables, forms, and reports.
C.You can always change the name of a field in a table.
D.You can never change the name of a field in a table.

Microsoft certification training   MB7-514   MB7-514   MB7-514

NO.4 Which are the valid "parts" of a table in Microsoft Dynamics NAV?
A.Data and Legs
B.Data and Properties
C.Data and Description
D.Source and Description

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NO.5 Which of the following Functional Areas has more than one Master Table?
A.General Ledger
B.Fixed Assets
D.Sales & Receivables

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NO.6 Which property is used to define a table relationship?

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NO.7 What happens if you set the Editable property of a field in a table to "No"?
A.The field will not be modifiable, whether you use a form or C/AL code.
B.You will not be able to modify the field using C/AL code, but you can still modify it using a form.
C.You will not be able to modify the field using a form, but you can still modify it using C/AL code.
D.The field will not be able to be used on forms.

Microsoft certification training   MB7-514   MB7-514   MB7-514

NO.8 Which of the following best describes Tab Controls?
A.Tab controls can only contain one tab, named General.
B.Tab controls must contain a tab named General. Any additional names are specified using the
NewTabName property.
C.Tab controls can contain multiple tabs; the names of which are specified using the MultipleTab property.
D.Tab controls can contain multiple tabs; the names of which are specified using the PageNames property.

Microsoft certification training   MB7-514   MB7-514   MB7-514

NO.9 What is the Master Table for the Cash Management Functional Area in Microsoft Dynamics NAV?
B.G/L Account
C.Cash Account
D.Bank Account

Microsoft certification training   MB7-514   MB7-514   MB7-514

NO.10 Key Groups are used to:
A.Allow keys to have a group of fields containing more than one field.
B.Define the group of reports that use a key in a table.
C.Activate and deactivate a seldom used group of keys.
D.Associate a group of keys with a report.

Microsoft certification training   MB7-514   MB7-514   MB7-514

NO.11 Which Data Type is best for storing whole numbers in a table, especially when there are
database size limitations?

Microsoft certification training   MB7-514   MB7-514   MB7-514

NO.12 Using standard navigation in Microsoft Dynamics NAV, pick the three options to access the
ledger form from a card form.
A.Pressing Ctrl+F5, selecting the Ledger Entries menu item, or selecting the Drilldown button on a
B.Pressing Ctrl+F5, selecting the Ledger Entries menu item, or selecting the Lookup button on the tool
C.Pressing the F5 key, selecting the Ledger Entries menu item, or selecting the Drilldown button on a
D.Pressing the F5 key, selecting the Ledger Entries menu item, or selecting the Lookup button on the tool

Microsoft certification training   MB7-514   MB7-514   MB7-514

NO.13 A table description contains the following:
A.Properties, Triggers, Fields, and Keys.
B.Names, Fields, Keys, and Forms.
C.Properties, Data, Fields, and Keys.
D.Data and Keys.

Microsoft certification training   MB7-514   MB7-514   MB7-514

NO.14 In the Microsoft Dynamics NAV application, which of these table types will have the most
trigger code (within a single Functional Area)? In other words, which type of table usually has the
most business rules?
A.Master table
B.Supplemental table
C.Journal table
D.Ledger table

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NO.15 What is the maximum number of fields that can be contained in a secondary key?

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NO.16 What field property will cause a lookup form to be displayed when the F6 key is pressed?

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NO.17 When you create a table relation, which characteristic must be true of the table specified by the
table ID?
A.The field ID specified must be part of the primary key.
B.The table must be a master table.
C.The table must not contain any records.
D.The primary key must be a code data type.

Microsoft certification training   MB7-514   MB7-514   MB7-514

NO.18 Which of the following characteristics are not a result of table relationships?
A.Validate data entries.
B.Optimize table records.
C.Perform Lookup in other tables.
D.Automatically propagate changes from one table to other tables.

Microsoft certification training   MB7-514   MB7-514   MB7-514

NO.19 A SumIndexField is a field that can be attached to a key definition. Which of the following are
accurate characteristics of a SumIndexField?
A.A SumIndexField can be any data type and can be attached to any key in the table.
B.A SumIndexField must be a decimal field and can be attached to any key in the table.
C.A SumIndexField must be a decimal field and can only be attached to the primary key.
D.A SumIndexField can be any data type and can only be attached to the primary key.

Microsoft certification training   MB7-514   MB7-514   MB7-514

NO.20 You have a table in which the user makes journal entries. According to Microsoft Dynamics
NAV standards, what type of form is used with this table?
A.List Form
B.Card Form
C.Worksheet Form
D.Tabular Form

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