
Latest training guide for Nortel 922-072

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Exam Code: 922-072
Exam Name: Nortel (BCM50 Rls.3.0 BCM200/400 Rls 4.0 BCM 450 Rls. 1.0 Config)
One year free update, No help, Full refund!
Total Q&A: 30 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-01-01

922-072 Free Demo Download: http://www.itcertking.com/922-072_exam.html

NO.1 Which statement about the BCM450 capacity expansion card (CEC) is true?
A.A BCM450 with a CEC can support a maximum of 300 trunks.
B.You can remove the CEC if the customer capacity needs drop.
C.A BCM450 with a CEC can support a maximum of 130 stations.
D.The CEC is a standard card that comes installed with every BCM450.
Answer: B

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NO.2 Which Media Bay Module (MBM) can be combined with the G4x16 on the same DS30 bus on a
BCM200/400 system?
Answer: B

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NO.3 What is the maximum number of IP trunks you can have on a BCM450 with a capacity expansion card?
Answer: C

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NO.4 What is the function of the BCM450 chassis interface board (CIB)?
A.The CIB connects the base function tray to the chassis wiring.
B.The CIB increases IP trunk capacity.
C.The CIB connects the media services card to the media bay modules.
D.The CIB in the BCM450 can be used in a BCM400 main unit.
Answer: A

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NO.5 A customer with a BCM400 has a requirement of one T1, six PSTN analog lines and 12 digital
What are the minimum Media Bay Module (MBM) requirements?
A.one DTM and one G8X16B.one BRIM and one GASM8
C.one GATM8 and one G4X16
D.one GATM4 and one DSM16+
Answer: A

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Article Link: http://www.itcertking.com/922-072_exam.html

