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Exam Code: JN0-531
Exam Name: Juniper (FWV, Specailist(JNCIS-FWV))
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Total Q&A: 145 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-11-29
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NO.1 What must be configured differently for a route-based VPN and a policy-based VPN?
A. proxy-id
B. proposals
C. remote gateway type
D. binding the tunnel interface
Answer: D
Juniper JN0-531 JN0-531 JN0-531 test questions
NO.2 Which two statements regarding NHTB are correct? (Choose two.)
A. If the spoke device is not a ScreenOS device, manual configuration of NHTB is required on the hub.
B. If the spoke device is not a ScreenOS device, manual configuration of NHTB is required on the spoke.
C. When configuring routing on a spoke device with one tunnel interface the route to the tunnel interface
does not require a routing gateway address.
D. When configuring routing on a hub device with one tunnel interface terminating multiple VPN spokes,
the route to the tunnel interface does not require a routing gateway address.
Answer: AC
Juniper exam simulations JN0-531 JN0-531
NO.3 Which command will show address translation for sessions that have ended?
A. snoop
B. get session
C. get log traffic
D. get dbuf stream
Answer: C
Juniper JN0-531 JN0-531 answers real questions JN0-531 JN0-531 JN0-531 certification
NO.4 Which command is used to verify that IGMP is running correctly?
A. get route igmp
B. get igmp query
C. set igmp query interface e0/1
D. exec igmp interface e0/1 query
Answer: D
Juniper test questions JN0-531 JN0-531 JN0-531 study guide JN0-531 exam simulations
NO.5 Click the Exhibit button.
In the exhibit, the hub and spoke VPN uses route-based VPNs and has intra-zone blocking enabled on
the Evil zone.
What is the minimum number of policy rules required to establish full, bi-directional communications
between all locations?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 6
D. 7
Answer: D
Juniper demo JN0-531 test answers JN0-531 dumps
NO.6 Click the Exhibit button.
In the exhibit, what is the source IP address of the multicast traffic?
Answer: B
Juniper JN0-531 JN0-531 JN0-531
NO.7 A VPN tunnel that uses a CA certificate will not become active.
What would be causing this problem?
A. The CA certificate has been revoked.
B. The devices are not synced with the NTP server.
C. The device certificates were generated before the CRL was downloaded thus making them invalid.
D. The CRL has been downloaded, but the certificates have a CDP extension thus making them invalid.
Answer: B
Juniper JN0-531 JN0-531 study guide JN0-531 JN0-531
NO.8 You have configured the following on your device.
The VPN is not working properly. What is the problem?
A. The policy needs to have the action tunnel.
B. The VPN needs to be bound to the tunnel interface.
C. The tunnel interface needs to be placed in the trust zone.
D. The tunnel interface needs to be associated with the interface in the untrust zone.
Answer: B
Juniper JN0-531 exam prep JN0-531 braindump JN0-531
NO.9 Which two item pairs are exchanged during Phase 2 negotiations? (Choose two.)
A. proxy-id, SA proposal list
B. IKE cookie, SA proposal list
C. hash [ID + Key], DH key exchange
D. SA proposal list, optional DH key exchange
Answer: AD
Juniper JN0-531 demo JN0-531 JN0-531 JN0-531 original questions
NO.10 What will happen if you type the command unset protocol vrouter trust-vr protocol ospf?
A. OSPF stops running, but the OSPF configuration is left intact.
B. All OSPF configuration parameters are removed from the vrouter only.
C. All OSPF configuration parameters are removed from all interfaces in the vrouter.
D. All OSPF configuration parameters are removed from the vrouter and from all interfaces in the vrouter.
Answer: D
Juniper braindump JN0-531 JN0-531 dumps
NO.11 What must be enabled to protect Phase 2 key exchanges?
A. Phase 1 PFS
B. Phase 2 SHA
C. Phase 2 3-DES
D. Phase 2 DH key exchange
Answer: D
Juniper JN0-531 exam prep JN0-531 exam simulations JN0-531 exam dumps JN0-531 JN0-531 exam simulations
NO.12 Which two statements are correct regarding NHTB? (Choose two.)
A. The NHTB table can be viewed with the command get nhtb.
B. The NHTB table can be viewed with the command get interface <tunnel interface>.
C. The NHTB table can be viewed with the command get interface <physical interface>.
D. NHTB is enabled automatically when multiple VPNs are bound to a single tunnel interface.
Answer: BD
Juniper JN0-531 exam prep JN0-531
NO.13 Which item in a virtual system is shared by default?
A. trust zone in the trust-vr
B. trust zone in the untrust-vr
C. untrust zone in the trust-vr
D. untrust zone in the untrust-vr
Answer: C
Juniper JN0-531 JN0-531 JN0-531 study guide
NO.14 Your ScreenOS device has come under a SYN flood attack. In the logs, which severity level would you
search to see this event?
A. Alert
B. Critical
C. Warning
D. Emergency
Answer: D
Juniper answers real questions JN0-531 test questions JN0-531 JN0-531 exam
NO.15 Which two statements are true regarding the use of dialup VPNs? (Choose two.)
A. They are initiated only by the remote host PC.
B. They can only be connected to the trust zone on a ScreenOS device.
C. They are configured so that the first IKE message will always have the SA proposal list.
D. They can be used as an alternative to connect remote users when a ScreenOS device has reached the
maximum number of LAN-to-LAN tunnels.
Answer: AC
Juniper JN0-531 JN0-531 test answers
NO.16 You create a policy-based VPN, and select an address group for the source address.
What will be the source component of the proxy-id seen by the remote security gateway?
A. the default
B. the last member of the address group
C. the first member of the address group
D. the subnet that contains all addresses in the address group
Answer: A
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NO.17 How many tunnels would need to be created to build a full mesh between 10 VPN devices?
A. 10
B. 20
C. 45
D. 100
Answer: C
Juniper exam simulations JN0-531 JN0-531 JN0-531
NO.18 What should you configure to insure an HA cable failure does not result in both devices attempting to
become master?
A. failover count
B. secondary path
C. monitor threshold
D. heartbeat threshold
Answer: B
Juniper exam simulations JN0-531 JN0-531 questions JN0-531
NO.19 Which three items do you need to download and install on your ScreenOS device for IKE gateways to
be able to use digital certificates without OCSP? (Choose three.)
A. the CRL list
B. the SCEP list
C. a local certificate
D. the CA public key certificate
E. the CA private key certificate
Answer: ACD
Juniper JN0-531 braindump JN0-531
NO.20 You have implemented a hub and spoke VPN. On the hub, there are two tunnel interfaces, one to
each spoke. Both tunnel interfaces are in the same zone.
Which two configuration options will control traffic between the spokes? (Choose two.)
A. Configure the common zone to block inter-zone traffic.
B. Configure the common zone to block intra-zone traffic.
C. Configure each tunnel interface to block intra-zone traffic.
D. Configure one of the tunnel interfaces in a different zone a set policies.
Answer: BD
Juniper JN0-531 JN0-531 pdf JN0-531 JN0-531 exam prep
NO.21 Which CLI command identifies the multicast sources visible to your ScreenOS device?
A. get route pim
B. get igmp source all
C. exec pim interface all query
D. get vrouter trust-vr protocol pim
Answer: D
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NO.22 A VPN tunnel that uses a CA certificate has failed Phase 1 negotiations. The peer's certificate has
been rejected.
What would be causing this problem?
A. The CA certificate has been revoked.
B. One of the peering devices are not synced with the NTP server.
C. The device certificates were generated before the CRL was downloaded thus making them invalid.
D. The CRL has been downloaded, but the certificates have a CDP extension thus making them invalid.
Answer: B
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NO.23 Which three statements are true regarding IKE Phase 1? (Choose three.)
A. Placing the SA proposal list in message 1 is an option.
B. The digital certificate is used to decrypt the session key.
C. The DH key exchange is used to validate the session key.
D. The DH key exchange and digital certificates are both optional.
E. The proxy-id is used to determine which SA is referenced for the VPN.
Answer: ABC
Juniper JN0-531 JN0-531 JN0-531 dumps
NO.24 Which ScreenOS CLI command is necessary for configuring IGMP on interface ethernet0/1?
A. set igmp interface ethernet0/1
B. set multicast interface ethernet0/1
C. set interface ethernet0/1 igmp router
D. set igmp interface ethernet0/1 enable
Answer: C
Juniper JN0-531 test questions JN0-531 test
NO.25 Click the Exhibit button.
In the exhibit, the hub and spoke VPN uses route-based VPNs.
What is the minimum number of policy rules required to establish full, bi-directional communications
between all locations?
A. 0
B. 3
C. 4
D. 6
Answer: A
Juniper certification JN0-531 exam prep JN0-531
NO.26 What do you need to change in your VPN configuration to use certificates for authentication?
A. Replace the preshared key with the certificate name.
B. Select PFS in Phase 2, then select the certificate to be used.
C. Use a custom set of Phase 1 proposals, all beginning with rsa-.
D. Use a custom set of Phase 2 proposals, all beginning with rsa-.
Answer: C
Juniper JN0-531 certification training JN0-531
NO.27 You have created a VPN to a dynamic peer.
Which two configured parameters must match? (Choose two.)
A. static side peer-id
B. dynamic side local-id
C. static side IP address
D. dynamic side IP address
Answer: AB
Juniper study guide JN0-531 JN0-531 JN0-531 JN0-531 test answers
NO.28 Click the Exhibit button.
In the exhibit, the route-based VPN on the SSG 5 needs to configured to allow access only from your PC
to Server G. The SSG 550 is configured with a policy-based VPN from Server G to your PC's host
Assume the gateways are static.
Which proxy-id must be configured?
A. Local:
B. Local:
C. Local:
D. Local:
Answer: B
Juniper JN0-531 JN0-531
NO.29 During main mode negations a failure has occurred while using IKE certificates.
Which message pair would you review to troubleshoot this failure?
A. messages 1 & 2
B. messages 2 & 3
C. messages 3 & 4
D. messages 5 & 6
Answer: D
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NO.30 To which three ScreenOS components can a policy-based routing policy be bound? (Choose three.)
A. zone
B. policy
C. interface
D. virtual router
E. virtual system
Answer: ACD
Juniper JN0-531 JN0-531 study guide JN0-531 original questions
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