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Exam Code: 1Z0-862
Exam Name: Oracle (Java Enterprise Edition 5 Web Services Developer Certified Professional Exam)
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Total Q&A: 183 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-10-22
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NO.1 Which fragment is Basic Profile 1.1 compliant?
A. <port name="testWS"> <operation name="runit"
<input message="tns:runit"/
<output message="tns:runitResponse"/
<binding name="testWSPortBinding" type="tns:testWS"
<operation name="runit"
<soap:operation soapAction="tns:runit"/
<soap:body use="literal"/
<soap:body use="literal"/
B. <portType name="testWS"
<operation name="runit"
<input message="tns:runit"/
<output message="tns:runitResponse"/
<operation name="saveit"
<input message="tns:saveit"/
<output message="tns:saveitResponse"/
<binding name="testWSPortBinding" type="tns:testWS"
<operation name="runit"
<soap:operation soapAction="tns:runit"/
<soap:body use="literal"/
<soap:body use="literal"/
C. <port name="testWS"
<operation name="runit"
<input message="tns:runit"/
<output message="tns:runitResponse"/
<binding name="testWSPortBinding" type="tns:testWS"
<operation name="runit"
<soap:operation soapAction="runit"/
<soap:body use="literal"/
<soap:body use="literal"/
D. <portType name="testWS"
<operation name="runit"
<input message="tns:runit"/
<output message="tns:runitResponse"/
<binding name="testWSPortBinding" type="tns:testWS"
<operation name="runit"
<soap:operation soapAction="runit"/
<soap:body use="literal"/
<soap:body use="literal"/
Answer: D
Oracle demo 1Z0-862 1Z0-862 1Z0-862
NO.2 Which two statements are true about XML schemas and WSDL 1.1? (Choose two.)
A. http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/ is the WSDL namespace for SOAP binding.
B. xsi is used as a prefix to represent the schema namespace as defined by XSD
C. XSD schemas are used as a formal definition of WSDL grammar.
D. xsd is used as a prefix to represent the schema namespace as defined by XSD
E. http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/http/ is the WSDL namespace for SOAP binding.
Answer: C,D
Oracle exam 1Z0-862 1Z0-862
NO.3 A company is refactoring an existing website to use Web services clients. The application retrieves lists
of parts and displays them to the users in a browser window. Previously, the data was stored as files on
the web server and, in order to access the files, the user would simply click on a hyperlink. Now the data
must be dynamically generated via a service that another developer has created. They want the easiest
way to refactor their website to use Web services.Which three technologies should they use? (Choose
C. Javascript
F. Java
Answer: B,C,E
Oracle 1Z0-862 demo 1Z0-862 exam 1Z0-862 practice test
NO.4 Which situation requires the client to use the Dispatch interface to access the Web
A. The client and the server are on different platforms.
B. The client has access to the portable artifacts, but not to the WSDL.
C. The client has access to the WSDL, but not to the portable artifacts.
D. The client will access a REST-based service.
Answer: D
Oracle test 1Z0-862 1Z0-862
NO.5 What are two communication modes supported by JAX-WS? (Choose two.)
A. Synchronous RPC
B. Dynamic Service Binding
C. Dynamic Proxy
D. Endpoint Invocation
E. Dispatch
Answer: C,E
Oracle test questions 1Z0-862 test answers 1Z0-862 exam dumps 1Z0-862
NO.6 A JAXR client has established connection with a UDDI registry and needs to get a
service binding from the registry.What is required to accomplish this task?
A. find the appropriate concept and then find the service binding associated with that
B. find the appropriate authentication token and then find the service binding
associated with that authentication token
C. find the appropriate organization, get the tModel associated with that organization, and
then find the service binding associated with the tModel
D. find the appropriate organization, find the services associated with that organization,
and then find the service binding associated with the service
Answer: D
Oracle 1Z0-862 test answers 1Z0-862 1Z0-862 dumps
NO.7 A developer is defining a SOAP binding in the WSDL for their new service.Which XML
fragment is WSDL 1.1 compliant?
A. <soap:binding transport=Http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema?style="document"/>
B. <soap:binding transport=Http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/?style="document"/>
C. <soap:binding transport=Http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http?style="document"/>
D. <soap:binding transport=Http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap?style="rpc"/>
Answer: C
Oracle certification 1Z0-862 exam prep 1Z0-862
NO.8 What are two features of a WSDL 1.1 document? (Choose two.)
A. Service defines a collection of related endpoints.
B. Service describes the message's payload using XML.
C. Service assigns an Internet address to a specific binding.
D. Porttype declares complex data types and elements used elsewhere.
E. Porttype elements are used to group a set of abstract operations.
F. Porttype defines a concrete protocol and data format specification.
Answer: A,E
Oracle braindump 1Z0-862 test answers 1Z0-862 1Z0-862 1Z0-862
NO.9 A team of developers is describing a set of endpoints in their new SOA application.
Given the WSDL extract:
<service name="InventoryServices"
<port name="PurchaseOrder" binding="tns:POBinding"
<soap:address location=""/
<port name="Invoice" binding="tns:InvoiceBinding"
<soap:address location=""/
Which statement is true about this WSDL extract?
A. The extract is WS-I Basic Profile 1.1 compliant because both port element names are
B. The extract is NOT WS-I Basic Profile 1.1 compliant because both port elements point
to the same location.
C. The extract is WS-I Basic Profile 1.1 compliant because both port elements point to
different binding elements.
D. The extract is NOT WS-I Basic Profile 1.1 compliant because it contains two port
elements in the same service.
E. The extract is WS-I Basic Profile 1.1 conformant because both port element names are
F. The extract is WS-I Basic Profile 1.1 conformant because the port, binding,
and service element combinations are unique.
Answer: B
Oracle exam dumps 1Z0-862 test 1Z0-862 exam dumps 1Z0-862 1Z0-862
NO.10 A developer is creating a servlet-based endpoint for a new payroll application.What are
three requirements for the service? (Choose three.)
A. It needs to be packaged as a WAR file.
B. It needs to be packaged as a JAR file.
C. It requires a META-INF folder.
D. It requires a WEB-INF folder.
E. webservices.xml is required.
F. web.xml is required.
Answer: A,D,F
Oracle 1Z0-862 certification 1Z0-862 original questions 1Z0-862 1Z0-862
NO.11 A developer is creating an XML schema that is Basic Profile compliant, and has elements that require
long integer values.
Given the code:
<Schema targetNamespace="http://sun.cert/types"
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsd="http://sun.cert/xsdTypes"
<complexType name="Foo"
<!-- insert code here --
Assuming that no other namespace declarations exist, which two elements use the long
type that is defined in the http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema namespace? (Choose
A. <element name="length" type="long"/>
B. <element name="length type="xsi:long"/>
C. <element name="length" type="xsd:long"/>
D. <element name="length" type="ns0:long"/>
E. <element name="length" type="integer"/>
F. <element name="length" type="xsd:integer"/>
Answer: A,D
Oracle 1Z0-862 1Z0-862 1Z0-862 study guide 1Z0-862 1Z0-862
NO.12 A company's new investment management Java application and a legacy stock trader
application need to communicate, but they use different JMS implementations. A
developer decides to implement a JMS bridge to solve the problem.Which two
advantages does this pattern provide.? (Choose two.)
A. It converts the interface of a class into another interface that clients expect.
B. It decouples an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary
C. It dynamically attaches additional responsibilities to an object.
D. It optimizes network traffic.
E. It is vendor independent.
Answer: B,E
Oracle answers real questions 1Z0-862 demo 1Z0-862 1Z0-862
NO.13 A developer must create a new stock monitoring application using SOAP.
Given the code:
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/
xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:ns1="http://sun.cert/"
<m:StockQuote xmlns:m="http://sun.cert/bar/"
<ns1:companyname name="Sun"/
Which statement is true about this SOAP message?
A. It is NOT well-formed.
B. It contains a mandatory header block.
C. It is WS-I Basic Profile 1.1 compliant.
D. It does NOT contain the correct namespace declarations.
E. The transid should be blowfish encrypted.
F. http://sun.cert/bar/ is not a valid stock quote service.
Answer: A
Oracle exam prep 1Z0-862 test 1Z0-862 1Z0-862 original questions
NO.14 Which two statements are true about XML schemas that conform to WS-I Basic Profile
1.1? (Choose two.)
A. A description may use any construct from XML Schema.
B. A description may use any construct of XML Schema, except for arrays.
C. A description must use XML Schema recommendations as the basis of userdefined
datatypes and structures.
D. A description may use any construct of XML Schema, except for defining userdefined
datatypes and structures.
E. RESTful XML schemas may also draw from the XML-Rest Schema.
Answer: A,C
Oracle dumps 1Z0-862 1Z0-862 practice test 1Z0-862 certification training
NO.15 For a company's new software, the developers are constructing abstract definitions of the data being
communicated by their document style Web service.
Given the targetNamespace:
Which is a valid wsdl:message containing a wsdl:part?
A. <message name="GetInput">
<part name="body" attribute="tns:InputRequest"/>
B. <message name="GetInput">
<part name="body" element="tns:InputRequest"/>
C. <message name="GetInput">
<part name="body" attribute="xsda:InputRequest"/>
D. <message name="GetInput">
<part name="body" element="xsda:InputRequest"/>
E. <message name="GetInput">
<part name="body" element="xsd:string"/>
F. <message name="GetInput">
<part name="body" element="InputRequest"/>
Answer: D
Oracle 1Z0-862 test questions 1Z0-862
NO.16 A developer needs to define an array of long integers in their Basic Profile compliant
Web service and is given the following code fragment for analysis:
<Schema targetNamespace="http://sun.cert/types"
<!-- insert code here -->
Assume all XML fragments are well-formed.According to the WS-I Basic Profile 1.1,
which type definition can be used to define an array of longs?
A. <xsd:complexType name="longArray"
<xsd:element name="item" type="xsd:long"/
B. <xsd:complexType name="longArray"
<element name="item" type="xsd:long"/
C. <xsd:complexType name="longArray"
<xsd:element name="item" type="xsd:long" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/
D. <xsd:complexType name="longArray"
<xsd:element name="item" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5" type="xsd:long"/
E. <xsd:complexType name="longArray"
<xsd:element name="item" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5" type="xsd:integer"/
Answer: D
Oracle questions 1Z0-862 1Z0-862 pdf 1Z0-862 1Z0-862
NO.17 What are three benefits of using SSL to connect to a Web service without mutual
authentication?(Choose three.)
A. The server is assured of the client's identity if the client issues the certificate.
B. The client is assured of the server's identity.
C. Message integrity is preserved between the client and the server.
D. The communication between the client and the server is still logged.
E. The communication between the client and the server is encrypted.
F. Using SSL over HTTP incurs less overhead than HTTPS.
Answer: B,C,E
Oracle 1Z0-862 demo 1Z0-862 questions 1Z0-862 1Z0-862 braindump
NO.18 A developer is creating an XML schema using the xsd:all operator.Given the code:
<schema targetNamespace="http://sun.cert/types" xmlns:tns="http://sun.cert/types"
<xsd:complexType name="Person">
<!-- insert code here -->
Which two element definitions, when inserted into the given schema fragment, result in a
correct schema type definition? (Choose two.)
A. <xsd:element name="first" type="xsd:string"/>
B. <xsd:element name="items" type="xsd:long" maxOccurs="5"/>
C. <xsd:element name="last" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
D. <xsd:element name="first" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"/>
E. <xsd:element name="last" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="5"/>
F. <xsd:element name="ssn" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1"
Answer: A,C
Oracle 1Z0-862 exam simulations 1Z0-862 1Z0-862
NO.19 According to the XML-to-Java mappings used by JAX-WS, which three elements
or attribute declarations are mapped to a Java primitive wrapper class (for example,
java.lang.Short)? (Choose three.)
A. <xsd:element name="age" type="xsd:short" minOccurs="0"/>
B. <xsd:element name="age" type="xsd:short" nillable="true"/>
C. <xsd:element name="age" type="xsd:short" nillable="false"/>
D. <xsd:attribute name="required" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional"/>
E. <xsd:attribute name="required" type="xsd:boolean" use="required"/>
F. <xsd:attribute name="required" type="xsd:boolean" nillable= false/>
Answer: A,B,D
Oracle 1Z0-862 1Z0-862 original questions 1Z0-862
NO.20 Which three can an EJB-based endpoint use? (Choose three.)
A. HTTP sessions
B. Java EE 5 declarative security
C. Java EE 5 programmatic security
D. client-demarcated transactions
E. container-managed transactions
Answer: B,C,E
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